Shipping and Returns
We guarantee delivery of our computers in 7 business days from the day you place your order. The reason we use 7 business days is as follows. When you place your order our fulfillment team selects your device in our warehouse and delivers it to our quality care team. At this time your device is reinspected to ensure that it is in excellent condition. We do this because we offer a 30 day satisfaction guarantee and we want to ensure the device meets this condition. Once reviewed and tested your device is packed and shipped. Our free shipping method is USPS priority mail with tracking. Once your item ships it only take 2 business days to arrive. We guarantee this entire process will take no more than 7 business days until your device arrives at your specified shipping destination.
Our return policy is simple. We accept your returns for 30 days from the time your order is placed no questions asked. We pay the return shipping on our devices. The process is easy. Contact for your return authorization number. Attached to this will be your return shipping label. Place all the items you received back in the original packaging, attach the label and take your item to the post office.